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Picture of the Day

Sunday, December 21, 2008 / Posted by Zackary /

Many of Japanese schools have this kind of heater which to me seems like something from the 1950's in America. Anyway, instead of standing around the water cooler (which none of the public schools have) they stand around the heater. When I stand by it somehow I am reminded of the bums in the alley with their trash cans on fire.

Anyway, I have been joking for the last week that they should put a tea kettle on top of it. In my incredibly bored state at work this amused me. When I came back from the bathroom in the afternoon there was the tea kettle as you can see. No one seemed to think this was strange but I couldn't stop laughing. Taking out my trusty camera I knelled down and started taking pictures. The Japanese teachers thought that me taking a picture of it was funny.

More pictures from my school on my last day of boredom soon.




Anonymous on December 21, 2008 at 10:58 PM

Liked the ficture and your comments. Most people find what strikes me funny is wierd.

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