People in Japan often pay for things with good old fashioned cash. Places such as foreign hotels, tourist spots, and the airports take credit cards. If you visit Tokyo there are more places to use your cards. In smaller areas there may not be any places. My experience is that you can't use your debit card. I've never tried at the airport, it might be possible there.
Banks in Japan are a world unto themselves and a general mystery to Westerners. The only bank with ATMs you will recognize are from Citigroup. Using your foreign ATM card at any other banks ATM will not work. In fact if you have a Japanese debit card you can only use it at your own bank. In convenience stores you will find a variety of ATMs. Some of these may allow you to use your credit card. My recommendation is that you get the yen you need for your travels at the airport. Just don't carry all your money together in one place. Japan has a low crime rate but even here there are pickpockets.
Visiting Japan
Banks in Japan are a world unto themselves and a general mystery to Westerners. The only bank with ATMs you will recognize are from Citigroup. Using your foreign ATM card at any other banks ATM will not work. In fact if you have a Japanese debit card you can only use it at your own bank. In convenience stores you will find a variety of ATMs. Some of these may allow you to use your credit card. My recommendation is that you get the yen you need for your travels at the airport. Just don't carry all your money together in one place. Japan has a low crime rate but even here there are pickpockets.
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