Japanese Culture - Christmas in Japan
I had nothing to do with this video but I liked it. Yes, we start going crazy here at some point. Of course many of us were crazy before we came! Enjoy.
Freshly prepared eggnog bears no resemblance to the preservative filled mixtures on sale in the dairy case. This is usually reserved for Christmas and or New Years.
Separate - 6 eggs / Beat together in a punch bowl / 2 cups (500 ml) whole milk / 2 cups (500 ml) half and half / Egg yolks / ½ cup (125 ml) brandy / ½ cup (125 ml) bourbon / ½ cup (125 ml) rum / Prepare a stiff meringue with Egg whites / 2 Tbsp (30 ml) sugar Beat until stiff / 1 cup (250 ml) whipping cream / 2 Tbsp (30 ml) sugar / 1 tsp (5 ml) vanilla extract / Fold the egg whites into the punch bowl. / Then blend in the whipping cream.
If not serving immediately, keep in refrigerator. Sprinkle on the individual servings as a last touch. Ground nutmeg.
Change Your Life - The Time of Your Life
Jody's last newsletter talked about dealing with the holiday season in a healthy and happy way. Give yourself a few minutes and see what you think about her ideas.
There’s Never Enough Time - Give Yourself a Most Important Gift This Holiday Season: The Time of Your Life
A healthy and happy holiday season to you all,
Personal Note - Welcome to My New YouTube Vistors
Thanks for watching my video and stopping by to hang out a bit. Enjoy the pictures, let me know what you want for Christmas and please say hello.
You are welcome any time.
What are you New Years Resolutions?
I am collecting them now and will post them in the New Year. I will only post your name or contact info if you request it.
I will of course share mine as well. All things welcome - serious to silly and everything in between.
I hope everyone has their shopping done!
I discovered Bob's blog tonight and was fascinated by his story. Bob said it was cool if I posted his Christmas story but thought it might make you sad. I am impressed that although he has a very sad and hard story he does not sound like he has given into hopeless and despair.
I am sure he would welcome your comments.
Feeling extra love for all the family and friends I have this Christmas season,
My email is MindofZ@gmail.com so you are welcome to send me comments directly. Any feedback is appreciated so please feel free to share.
--Z Labels: Personal Note
What I know about Japanese figures and comics can be put on the back of a matchbook. This site is sleek, smart, and has fantastic graphics. http://www.dannychoo.com/ The following is the official description:
...this site for the exclusive figure coverage direct from the manufacturers, photos and guides on living in Japan, Japanese subculture and the occasional stormtrooper dancing around in Tokyo.
A factory is closing at the end of the month and several of my Brazilian friends are going home.
A Big Thank You to all of you that have given me feedback! Please keep it coming and let me know what you'd like to see.
Sending the Love,
This food explains general types of Japanese food and has lovely pictures. I looked through it and thought, oh yeah I'll remember that. Sure.
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.unicom-lra.co.jp/jkw/tkjf_e.html&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dreal%2BLife%2BJapanese%2BFood,%2Bby%2BCraig%2BDibble%2B%2526%2BSetsuko%2BMatsumoto%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3Dccu%26sa%3DX Labels: Food
Japan Backs Further Aid Package
Many of Japanese schools have this kind of heater which to me seems like something from the 1950's in America. Anyway, instead of standing around the water cooler (which none of the public schools have) they stand around the heater. When I stand by it somehow I am reminded of the bums in the alley with their trash cans on fire.
Anyway, I have been joking for the last week that they should put a tea kettle on top of it. In my incredibly bored state at work this amused me. When I came back from the bathroom in the afternoon there was the tea kettle as you can see. No one seemed to think this was strange but I couldn't stop laughing. Taking out my trusty camera I knelled down and started taking pictures. The Japanese teachers thought that me taking a picture of it was funny.
More pictures from my school on my last day of boredom soon.